TRC allocates M 270 000.00 to Five NGOs

The Transformation Resource Centre (TRC) through its Small Projects Fund (SPF) also known as “Sea
le Methati Project” aimed at funding Small Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and small,
inexperienced establishments allocated a total of M 270 000.00 to Five NGOs this past Monday.
The five NGOs that received funding are African Development in Lesotho (AFDeL) which received
M60, 000.00, Shepard Watch M30,000.00 , Pnut Global Consultancy Academy (PGC Academy)
M60,000.00, Survivors of Lesotho Dams ( SOLD) M60,000.00 and Network for Solidarity,
Empowerment and Transformation for All (NewSETA) which received M60,000.00.
The SPF project is meant to capacitate the CBO through small grants to demand service delivery and
accountability from government, policy makers and service providers. The aforementioned CBOs
amongst others focus on; improving the participation of affected communities by capital project in
resettlement and compensation initiatives, capacitating animal herders in protection of integrated
catchment management and research on socio economic problems faced by communities within the
TRC project sites

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